
說到最近火紅的電影就不得不提到剛上映的《格雷的五十道陰影(Fifty Shades of Grey)》了, 這是由小說改編的情慾電影,不管是在國內外都引起相當高的討論, 不過這大尺度的情慾小說在國外並沒有被列為管制,甚至人手一本,成為「美國小孩最不想收到聖誕禮物之一」(因為大家都有一本啦www) 翻拍成電影以後也造成非常轟動的話題,尺度有沒有小說這麼開就不知道惹www



格雷的五十道陰影還被網友形容是情慾版的《暮光之城》,這樣說沒看過小說的大家應該比較能想像www 國外網站竟然出現"迪士尼版"的格雷的五十道陰影,平常看似無慾無求的王子公主們居然也上演了這麼火辣的性愛遊戲, 如果怕太刺激受不了的話就點《這裡》到可愛動物區吧(〃∀〃)

《小美人魚》 He stops and reaches for a washcloth as I pant against him, wanting… needing. My hands rest on his firm, muscular thighs. Squirting more soap onto the washcloth, he leans down and washes between my legs. I hold my breath.” — bathtub sex,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.135 「他停了下來,拿了一條浴巾,我靠在他身上喘息,我想要他,我需要他。我的雙手放在他強壯的大腿上。他擠了更多沐浴乳在浴巾上,在我兩腿之間擦洗,那一刻,我幾乎完全無法呼吸。」 《冰雪奇緣》 “He reaches between my legs and pulls out the blue string —what!?— and gently takes my tampon out and tosses it into the nearby toilet. Sweet mother of all…jeez. And then he’s inside me.” — that too-wild-for-the-movietamponscene,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.430 「他站到我的雙腿之間,然後突然拉出我的藍色衛生棉條,並把棉條丟進旁邊的馬桶,然後用力插入我的體內。」 《美女與野獸》 “Christian is standing over me grasping a plaited leather riding crop… He flicks the crop slowly into his palm as he gazes down on me. He’s smiling, triumphant.” — the (wet)dream sequence sex,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.231 「他站在我面前,手裡拿著一條皮質編織馬鞭,上身赤裸。他低頭看我,一邊用馬鞭輕敲著另一手的手心,一邊勝利的微笑。」 《風中奇緣》 “‘We’re here because you said yes, Anastasia. And you ran from me. I am going to hit you six times, and you will count them with me.’ Why the hell doesn’t he just get on with it? He always makes such a mealof punishing me.” — a belt too far,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.505 「我們會在這是因為妳願意,我要狠狠打妳6次,然後妳要幫我數。」 《仙履奇緣》 “He holds out his hand, and in his palm are two shining silver balls linked with a thick black thread…I look questioningly up at him. ‘I am going to put these inside you, and then I’m going to spank you, not for punishment, but for your pleasure and mine.’ He pauses, gauging my wide-eyed reaction.” — aBen Wa party,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.362 「他的手中握著兩個閃亮亮銀色小球,中間還連著一條又硬又粗的黑線,我狐疑的看著他,這時他說,『我會將這些放入妳的體內,然後用力的打妳,這不是懲罰,而是為了讓我們更快樂。』說完他停頓,等待著我的反應。」 《花木蘭》 “He binds my wrists together with his tie, knotting it firmly. His eyes are bright with excitement. He tugs at the binding. It’s secure.Some Boy Scout he must have been to learn this knot.What now?” — Ana’s first achievement badge,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.139 「他用領帶綁住我的手腕,然後用力打個結,他的眼中充滿的興奮。他拉一拉打結的地方,我想童子軍應該也會學這麼牢固的結吧…重點是,後續的發展呢?」 《阿拉丁》 “‘I am going to tie you to that bed, Anastasia. But I’m going to blindfold you first and,’ he reveals his iPod in his hand, ‘you will not be able to hear me. All you will hear is the music I am going to play for you.'” —a whole new worldof sensory deprivationsex,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.487 「我要將你綁在那張床上,但我要先用眼罩遮住妳的眼睛。」這時他拿出iPod,然後說,「妳沒辦法聽到我的聲音,妳只能聽到現在要放給妳聽的音樂。」 《睡美人》 “He lifts me up, and suddenly we’re moving, my arms still tethered above my head, and I can feel the cool wood of the polished cross at my back, and he’s popping the buttons on his jeans. He puts me down against the cross briefly while he slides on a condom, and then his hands wrap around my thighs and he lifts me again.” — “trussed up” sex,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.324 「突然他將我抬起,我們開始衝刺,我的手仍被綁住,背部仍然可以感受冰冷木頭的觸感,這時他把他的牛仔褲鈕扣解開,然後丟到地上,迅速戴上保險套,重新抓穩我的臀部,將我舉起…」 《公主與青蛙》 “Very slowly, he pulls down my sweatpants. Oh, how demeaning is this? Demeaning and scary and hot. He’s making such a meal of this. My heart is in my mouth. I can barely breathe.Shit, is this going to hurt?” — the first spank,FiftyShadesofGrey,p.274 「他慢慢的脫下我的運動褲。這是多麼羞恥啊!?又羞恥、又害怕,同時慾火燃燒。他是來真的!我的心臟快從嘴巴跳出來,簡直無法呼吸。可惡,會不會很痛阿?」 ※以上是小編直接翻成中文,跟中譯本的意思可能有點出入。 ▼電影預告片 最近有些家長出來反對說這種電影不適合小孩看,但是電影都有分級,所以基本上能進場的只有18歲以上的少年們, 其實家長不用擔心太多,因為孩子們看要的都看了,即使有什麼色情管理員或是分級都沒辦法阻止的www 像小編Hana的BL漫畫跟小說就比這個激烈許多惹(被拖走)

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